Trying to avoid walking straight into a rainstorm when you go out? Check our rain radar and rain graph before you leave so you never have to get drenched!
The Buienradar app opens with either the 2-hour, 3-hour or 24-hour rain forecast. The radar image will show you whether rain is expected during this period. Below the radar, you will find the rain graph. In this graph you can see when it is going to rain and how much rainfall is predicted. If you prefer a more detailed view, you can even zoom into your location by clicking on the magnifying glass icon.
The Buienradar app is available for your Android phone, tablet and Android Wear (Smartwatch). Using your Android Wear device you will see at a glance whether rain is expected! Using the handy widget, which includes the rain graph, you can check whether rain is expected without even having to open the app!
In addition to the rain radar, the app also offers a lot of other radars and maps:
- Snow radar
- Sun radar
- Lightning radar
- Satellite images of Belgium
- Buienradar of Europe
- Satellite images of Europe
You can find personalized weather info in the table “Komende 24 uur in” (Next 24 hour weather prediction) for your favorite location (even abroad!) like hour-to-hour predictions for: temperature, the number of millimeters of rain per hour, the chance of rain, wind direction and wind force (in Beaufort).
Besides thunderstorm, sun, wind and temperature data we also offer wind chill, sun intensity, and humidity data, with the exact times of sunrise and sunset for your location.
You can easily find the snow depth per skiing and snowboarding location by entering one of the 700 available locations in the search bar. For example, try entering Mayrhofen, Flauchau, Gerlos, Val Thorens, Sölden en Saalbach-Hinterglemm. When scrolling down, you will see the snow depth for this location in the section “Nu in” (Now) (above the times of the sunrise and sundown).
In the “14-daagse” section (14 day forecast) you will find the weather forecast (in a graph) for the next 14 days. You can also see a detailed list view when you click on the tab “Lijst”. This list offers an hourly forecast for the next 7 days and a daily average for the second week.
In the “Alerts” section you make your own rain alert (free push notification) customized to your daily time schedule and most favorite locations so you will never be unprepared!
If you don’t want to see ads, we also offer the Buienradar Plus plan for 1,79€. You can find this in the “Over Buienradar” menu item. If you would like to purchase this, you can do so by clicking the “Neem Buienradar Plus” button.
We are continuously improving our Buienradar app. If you have any suggestions on how we can improve or if you have any questions, you can always send us a message by using the feedback form in the app or by sending us an e-mail via Thanks!
该Buienradar应用程序可用于Android手机,平板电脑和Android Wear(Smartwatch折价)。使用Android Wear设备,你会看到一眼雨是否有望!使用便捷的部件,其中包括雨图,您可以检查是否下雨预期,甚至无需打开应用程序!
- 雪雷达
- 孙雷达
- 闪电雷达
- 比利时的卫星图像
- 欧洲的Buienradar
- 欧洲的卫星图像
您可以在表中查找“即将举行的24 UUR在”个性化气象信息(未来24小时天气预报),为您最喜爱的位置(甚至国外的!),例如小时到小时的预测为:温度,每小时降雨毫米数,雨,风向和风力(博福特)的机会。
您可以轻松地通过输入搜索栏700可用的位置之一找到每个滑雪和滑雪板位置的积雪深度。例如,尝试进入迈尔霍芬齐勒,Flauchau,盖洛斯,葱仁谷,索尔登EN萨尔巴赫 - 辛特格兰。当向下滚动,你会看到积雪深度在一节这个位置“怒江中的”(现在)(上面的日出和日落的时间)。
在“14 daagse”一节(14天的预测),你会发现在未来14天的天气预报(中图)。你还可以看到详细的列表视图,当您单击该选项卡“Lijst”上。此列表提供未来7天,每小时的预测平均每天的第二个星期。